6 Great Motivational Speeches

6 Great Motivational Speeches

Barry Kerrigan |

Right, so you've kicked off your 2018 Fitness goals and things are going great. But can you keep it up?! You know the story: it's a Tuesday evening and you're planning on going to the gym. But there's a problem - it's minus 4 degrees outside and you're having a nice cup of hot tea on the couch. You think to yourself "I'll just take tonight off"...then the next night...then the night after that. Before you know it your New Year's goals are a thing of the past. Fear not! To kick you back into gear we've put together some of the best, most spine tingling motivational speeches in cinema - as soon as you hear them you'll be charged and ready to pump some iron!


1. Al Pacino - Any Given Sunday

The first one we decided to go for was Al Pacino's famous pre-game speech in Any Given Sunday. This isn't just a speech abut a sports team and about winning a game, it's about life. How if you battle as hard as possible, take every inch you can get and work as part of a team you will be successful. Although we aren't as convincing as Al Pacino, so take a look at this goose-bump scene.


2. Denzel Washington - Remember the Titans

This speech is filled with powerful content that is deep in meaning.  He tells the audience how 50,000 men died during the Battle of Gettysburg on the very field they were standing on,all while they fought over the same principles the team is currently struggling with. Coach Boone, played by Denzel Washington, depicts the battle scene, painting a picture in the audience’s mind of the blood, pain and suffering that occurred on that very field. He reads a quote off of a tombstone that reads “I killed my brother with malice in my heart. Hatred destroyed my family.” The quote explains how families were torn apart by the issue of slavery during the Civil War. Brothers would find themselves on opposing sides of the battlefield fighting for what they believed in. This idea relates back to the issues of the football team. The team is one big family, but opposing viewpoints on race and segregation are breaking it down and tearing it apart...now that's deep.


3. Sylvester Stallone - Rocky Balboa

In this scene, Rocky Balboa gives his son a reality check by reminding him that life just isn’t fair. It’s just like boxing, and it doesn’t matter how hard you hit back, but how much you can take and keep moving forward. We all struggle, and most of us don’t talk about the truly difficult stuff we deal with at any given moment. So when finals hit with their hardest blows, don’t give up because you feel like your efforts to fight back don’t cut it.


4. Mel Gibson - Braveheart

It might not be in a sports movie but this powerful speech may appeal to your inner warrior. In this scene Mel preaches about life or death; how if we do not fight for what we believe in and just let time go on, we die for nothing. It could be a bit heavy, but looking at it metaphorically it is about looking back on things that we could have done and not regretting it.


5. Friday Night Lights

Can you look your friends in the eye and know that you’re telling the truth? That you gave it your all? If you can do that with love in your heart, that’s perfection, according to Coach Gaines in this beloved movie. His speech in this scene incites a moment of honesty, friendship and love among his team members. If it doesn’t choke you up, I don’t know what will!


6. Independence Day

We had to stick a cheesy one in somewhere, and what better way than the US President talking about fighting for freedom once again conveniently on the 4th of July! However, this scene is quite motivating in that it does make us see the benefits and importance of coming together...maybe Trump should give it a watch?


That's it! We hope that you find some inspiration in these great speeches. Let us know if we've missed any and keep that chin up!

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